
Stars at night

STEM Explorers Programs

STEM Activities

Make sure to to get updates on our recurring STEM activities!

Rocket Camp

For budding aerospace engineers, this event will get your engines running! Learn about the principles of rocketry before building and launching your own rockets! Become a rocket scientist for a day and launch your curiosity to new heights!

Next event: May 11 9AM-Noon, Grades 5-9

Mad Science STEM Lab

Our younger mad scientists in training get to sample a buffet of different sciences! Become a tiny robot engineer, a crazy chemist that serves up slime, build rockets, make ice cream, or track the path of the sun with powerful solar telescopes! 

Next event: March 9 9AM-Noon, Grades 2-5

Rover Camp

While human exploration of the red planet Mars remains in the future, today we are learning about our neighboring planet through the use of robotic explorers. Learn all about what goes into creating a machine that can survive harsh alien landscapes and build a Mars Exploration Rover to test!

Next event: April 20 & 21 (2-day event), Grades 7-12

Summer Camps

Intro to STEM, June 24-28

This summer camp promises a week of excitement, learning, and discovery as students are introduced to the world of STEM through various activities. Kids will learn about basic science principles in relation to physics, astronomy, meteorology, and more! 

Schedule: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3pm and Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 

Please send them with a packed lunch each day and a refillable water bottle!

Recommended age: Grades 3-6

Early Bird Special: Register before May 31 for $50 off! Coupon code: STEMExplorers2024

Each day we will kick things off with a Planetarium show! Following the show, all the day's activities and learning experiences will be centered around the fascinating topic introduced in the Planetarium presentation. Get ready for an immersive journey through space and exploration! 

Intro to Engineering, July 8-12

This science camp is designed to introduce the different fields within engineering. Through intricate activities students will build rockets and rovers that help us explore our world and beyond!

Schedule: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3pm and Friday 8:30am-12:30pm 

Please send them with a packed lunch each day and a refillable water bottle!

Recommended age: Grades 5-9

Early Bird Special: Register before May 31 for $50 off! Coupon code: STEMExplorers2024