

Consumer Information

In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at 六合彩全年图库 (OCC). 

While this information is provided to you on this page, you may obtain a comprehensive list of our consumer information.

Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it can be obtained. If you need assistance obtaining information listed or you would like a paper copy, please contact the Financial Aid Office via email at occfinaid@occ.cccd.edu​ or by calling Madjid Niroumand at 714-432-5509.

Also, the available.


Information about 六合彩全年图库​​


In carrying out their assigned responsibilities, many offices at 六合彩全年图库 collect and maintain information about students. Although these records belong to the college, both college policy and federal law accord students a number of rights concerning these records. The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) establish the rules and regulations regarding access to and disclosure of student records.
六合彩全年图库 may release student directory information upon request, provided such release is approved by the college President or a designee. Students may request in writing to the college President that directory information not be released. The President or a designee may limit or deny the release of specific categories of directory information based upon a determination of the best interests of the student.
Directory information is defined to mean one or more of the following: student’s name, city of residence, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and previous public or private school attended.
Any currently enrolled or former students shall have access to any and all of their records on file at the college. Such access shall be granted within 15 working days of a written request and shall be subject to procedures established by the Dean of Enrollment Services for academic records or the Dean of Counseling Services for counseling files and the Director of Financial Aid for financial aid records.
Students, by written request to the above administrator(s), may challenge the content of their records pursuant to Education Code section 76232. Such challenges will be processed according to procedures established by those responsible administrators.
For more information or to receive a copy, please contact Mr. Efren Galvan, the Director of Admissions, Records, and Enrollment Technology located on the first floor of Watson Hall, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.


Privacy of and Access to Student Records

The Information Practices Act of 1977, California Civil Code, Sections 1798 et. seq., guarantee certain rights:
The Right to Privacy: Only information about you that is relevant and necessary to carry out the purpose of the college will be collected. This information will be used only in the administration of specific college programs.
The Right to Access: You may request access to any records about you that are maintained by the college. The college shall promptly let you or your chosen representative inspect or shall provide you copies of any document or item of information in your case record, within 15 working days of a written request. In a few cases, medical or psychological information will be released only to an appropriate licensed professional chosen by the student.
Protection Against Re-disclosure: All persons who are allowed access to your records are prohibited from disclosing this information to anyone else without your specific, informed, written consent. There are specific instances where information may be released without your informed, written consent, such as in the case of a medical emergency.
Student Identification Number: Students are not required to provide their social security number except to receive student financial aid and the 1098T Hope Tax Credit Form. However, social security numbers are helpful in identifying student records upon transfer to other institutions. All students are strongly encouraged to select a personal identification number to protect electronic access to their records.
Records Holds: Per California Education Code, Title 5, a student’s records may not be released if there are outstanding fee obligations.



Disabled Students’ Center

The Disabled Students’ Center (DSC) provides support services to students with disabilities in an effort to ensure equal opportunity and participation at the college.
To receive services from the DSC, each student is responsible for the following:
  • Verification of Disability: Submit verification of disability by a physician or other qualified professional.
  • Personal Care: Each student is responsible for taking care of personal bodily needs, such as feeding and restroom care and, if necessary, providing a personal attendant while on campus, including the classroom.
  • Seizure Policy: Because of the college’s concern for the wellbeing of all students, OCC has a policy governing a student who has a seizure on campus. When a physician indicates that seizures possibly endanger the student or others, the student may be denied continued enrollment. This may range from a particular class deemed hazardous to exclusion from campus. Reinstatement may occur when there is evidence that seizures are controlled. For more information, contact the Dean of Student Services.
Specialized academic and vocational counseling is available through the DSC as well as specialized equipment, disability resource information and referrals. Assistance is also available for registration, test proctoring, tutoring, note takers, campus orientation and readers (based on the specific disability).
Only those students with a DMV plate or placard may park in designated blue curbed areas in all campus lots free of charge. All other disabled students must purchase a campus parking permit and use student parking spaces.
The Disabled Students’ Center is located in the Special Services Building. For more information, please see the Disabled Student site.
Phone (714) 432-5807 or (714) 432-5604 (TDD).


Disabled Students’ High Tech Center

The High Tech Center is specifically designed for students with disabilities at 六合彩全年图库. Its primary purpose is to allow students with disabilities to use computers through various adaptives. The facility is located in the Special Services Building. Our IBM PCs and Macintosh computers are equipped with both adapted computer hardware and software that can be combined to accommodate and assist students with their schoolwork and educational goals. Software packages include word processing, spreadsheets and accounting programs.
The Disabled Student’s High Tech Center is located in the Special Services Building. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Phone (714) 432-5807 or (714) 432-5604 (TDD).
For information on facilities and services for disabled students, contact the Office of Special Services for Students with Disabilities.


Adapted P.E. Program

Adapted Physical Education classes are designed for students with physical disabilities who can benefit from personalized exercise programs. A variety of courses are offered for improvement in strength, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance, in addition to courses in individual sports such as Bowling and Aquatics. Students must register through the Disabled Students Center (page 16) and complete a necessary medical verification form prior to participation. For more information, phone (714) 432-5528 or email roconnor@occ.cccd.edu.


Disabled Students’ Rights

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability against persons in programs or activities receiving or benefiting from federal assistance. Thus, in postsecondary education settings, Section 504 mandates - reasonable accommodation for adults with professionally documented physical or learning disabilities. Inquiries regarding the college‘s nondiscrimination policy relative to Section 504 or the Americans with Disabilities Act should be directed to the 504/ADA Coordinator at (714) 432-5042, located in Special Services Building.


Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Students having physical, emotional, or other disabilities may be eligible for State Department of Rehabilitation services if their disabilities affect their vocations. These services include vocational counseling and guidance, reimbursed training and job placement. Under certain circumstances, students may also qualify for assistance with medical needs, living expenses and transportation.
Interested students should visit or write the State Department of Rehabilitation Office, 222 S Harbor Blvd., Ste 300, Anaheim, California 92805. The phone number is (714) 991-0800 or you can visit their Web site at .



For information regarding the diversity of the college’s student body, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness; Sheri Sterner at SSterner@occ.cccd.edu. The office is located in the Class Room Lab, Room 114, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
You can also access student diversity by viewing the OCC Atlas online.



For cost of attendance information you may visit the .



State regulations require that students must withdraw prior to the first 10% of a course in order to be eligible for a refund of fees. Students can view refund deadlines at MyCoast or by printing their student class program. Official withdrawals by the refund deadline will result in a credit to the student’s registration account of the fees associated with the course that was dropped.
Students withdrawing from all classes may request a refund of all fees paid including the Student Health Services Fee, the College Services Charge, nonresident tuition, etc., provided the student withdraws prior to the refund deadline for each class in which he/she was enrolled. To receive a refund of the Parking Fee, the student must withdraw from all classes and the parking decal must be returned/postmarked on or before the earliest refund deadline date of the classes in which the student is enrolled.
In the case of canceled classes, registration fees associated with that class will be refunded. If the only class a student is taking is canceled, the parking decal must be returned within 14 days of the class cancellation date.
All credit balances will be automatically refunded to you beginning the 3rd week of the semester in which the fees were paid. Most payments made by credit card through MyCoast will automatically be refunded to the credit card used for payment. For payments made in person, via check, cash, credit card or money order, refunds will be issued via check and mailed to the address the Admissions Office has on file.
You may visit the OCC Refunds page for more information.




All withdrawals are completed by the student through MyCoast or via mail (must be post marked by the U. S. Postmaster by the deadline date). For official withdrawal or leave of absence, please complete the appropriate forms and submit them to the Enrollment Center on the first floor of Watson Hall. The official withdrawal form is available online.


Please note that students who miss the first meeting of a class or who have too many absences MAY be dropped by the instructor at any time during the semester until the final deadline for withdrawal. However, it is the responsibility of the student to withdraw in order to meet all fee and withdrawal deadlines and to avoid grade penalties.



Instructors may allow absences for reasons of illness, emergencies, or college-sponsored activities including field trips, athletic events, speech tournaments, or other co-curricular activities. Those student activities should be scheduled to minimize absences from regularly scheduled classes. Instructors are responsible for sending Co-curricular Participation Lists to the appropriate academic Division Coordinator. Students, also, should inform instructors of upcoming co-curricular activities and ask for ways of making up the absences.
Absence/Make-up Activities
Instructors may require make-up activities equivalent to the lessons missed through absence. What constitutes an excused absence and any required make-up activities, should be stated clearly, preferably in writing, by the instructor at the start of the course.
It is recommended that a student not be absent more than the number of course units in order to maintain a passing course grade/credit. That is, one hour of absence for each unit of class. State law requires an accurate attendance record in order for the college to receive funding.
Student Responsibility
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and adhere to State-mandated drop deadlines and deadlines to request a pass/no-pass option. In addition, students should be aware of and adhere to the deadlines for fee-payment and refund of fees. Students should verify all transactions. Students should check their MyCoast page, particularly their student class program (was schedule bill), and their CCCD issued email account often for important updates and information. The CCCD email account and MyCoast message boards are the official communication methods that instructors and staff use to send students important information.
Students Who Are Employed
Working students should remember that taking 15 units of college coursework requires about the same amount of time as working 40 hours a week; therefore, fulltime students should work no more than 20 hours a week. Students may contact the Financial Aid Office or call (714) 432-5508 to determine their eligibility for financial assistance. No student should expect any instructor to lower course standards to accommodate them for not doing required coursework due to work employment.
Financial Aid Students
Financial Aid Students withdrawing from all courses must contact the Financial Aid Office prior to completion of the withdrawal.



The federal government mandates that students who withdraw from all classes may only keep the financial aid (federal "Title IV" grant and loan assistance) they have "earned" up to the time of withdrawal. Funds that were disbursed in excess of the earned amount must be returned by the university and/or the student to the federal government. The repayment policy is available in the Financial Aid Office.


Pell Recalculations

A Pell Grant recalculation may occur after the initial calculation, award or disbursement to account for changes to the student’s costs, EFC, or enrollment status.

Change in the EFC

If the student’s EFC changes due to corrections, updating, or an adjustment, and the EFC change would change the amount of the Pell award, a specialist must recalculate the Pell award for the entire award year. If, as a result of the recalculation, the student has received more than his or her award amount, then the student has received an overpayment and he/she must be billed to correct this.   

NOTE: A student selected for verification can be paid based on the corrected output document that OCC receives during the “verification extension” (120 days after the student’s last day of enrollment, not to extend beyond the deadline date established by a Federal Register notice). For example, if OCC receives a reprocessed ISIR reflecting the results of the student’s verification during the extension period and the ISIR has a lower EFC than the previous ISIR (increasing the student’s eligibility), the specialist recalculates the student’s Pell Grant based on the valid ISIR.  

Change in enrollment status between terms

The student's payment for each term must be calculated based on the enrollment status for that term. If a student attended full-time for the first term and then enrolled half-time in the second term, use the half-time enrollment status to calculate the student’s payment for the second term.

Change in enrollment status within a term

Federal regulations don't require any recalculation for changes in enrollment status after the student has begun attendance in all of his or her classes. 

However, OCC has a Pell Grant Recalculation Freeze date, in which eligible Pell Grant recipients with enrollment changes during the semester may have their Pell Grant award recalculated to reflect their enrollment status at the time of freeze.


Information on the university's academic programs, degree offerings, and plans for future programs is available in the 六合彩全年图库 . You may also find academic division and program information by visiting Academic Division.
Degrees and Certificates
By authorization of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, 六合彩全年图库 confers the Associate in Arts degree on students who complete sixty (60) units with a grade of ―C or better in prescribed courses.
六合彩全年图库 also grants the degree of Associate in Science only for the majors listed in the Associate Science Degree requirements section in this catalog.
六合彩全年图库 awards the Certificate of Achievement to students who successfully complete the required courses of a certificate program including a minimum of 18 units. 六合彩全年图库 also grants the Certificate of Specialization (less than 18 units) to students who complete a specially designed or intensive learning activity.


Please visit  to obtain information regarding programs.


Please see .



Information on the college's instructional facilities and laboratories is available from the Office of Instruction; kballinger@occ.cccd.edu  or Office of Instruction, Administrative Building, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.



Information on the college's faculty and instructional personnel is available through the Office of Instruction. The office is located in the Administration Building, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.


Accreditation and Approvals

六合彩全年图库 is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd., Ste. 204, Novato, CA 94949; (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation and the U. S. Department of Education. The college and its instructional programs are also approved by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and by the State Department of Education for training veterans.
In addition, 六合彩全年图库 offers programs which are accredited or approved by recognized accrediting agencies: Accrediting Commission of the American Culinary Federation Educational Institute; the Commission on Dental Accreditation; The Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association; Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP); Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology; Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC); the California State Department of Health; the Federal Aviation Agency and the State of California–State and Consumer Services Agency; Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board.


Memberships and Affiliations

六合彩全年图库 maintains membership with the following organizations:
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society
American Association for State and Local History
American Association of Community Colleges
American College Dance Festival Association
American Culinary Federation Educational Foundation Accrediting Commission (ACFEFAC)
American Dietetic Association Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (CADE)
Association for Core Texts and Courses
Association of Community and Continuing Education
California Community College Student Affairs Association
California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers
California Community Colleges Chief Student Services Administrators Association
California Community College Council for Staff Development
California Public Health Department
Commission on Accreditation for Education in Electroneurodiagnostic Technology (CoA-END)
Commission on Accreditation for Education in Polysomnographic Technology (CoA-PSG)
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoA-RC)
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA)
Council of Chief Librarians of California Community Colleges
County of Orange Health Care Agency – Emergency Medical Services
Honors Transfer Council
Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT)
Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS)
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRC-RT)
Learning Resources Network
Medical Assisting Education Review Board
NAFSA/AIE: Association of International Educators
National Association for Education of Young Children
National Association of Colleges and Employers
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators NASFAA
National Collegiate Honors Council
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
State of California Department of Consumer Affairs, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
Transfer Center Directors Association
Western Association of Veteran Education Specialists
Western Regional Honors Council
Umoja Community, Foundation for California Community Colleges
U.S. Green Building Council – Orange County Chapter



Employees and students are expected to follow and adhere to all aspects of United States Copyright Law. Please visit Coast Community College District (CCCD) Board Policy    and and Administrative Procedure    and   for more information about use of copyrighted material.
Information Regarding Student Financial Aid
Contact the Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office is located in Watson Hall, Second Floor - Room 205. Check the web site for hours of operation as they may vary. Phone: 714 432-5508.



六合彩全年图库 has a full array of Title IV programs and California State Programs. Students may only receive financial aid for Associate Degrees and transfer programs and only those certificates that are approved by the Department of Education. Certificates of Specialization and some Certificates of Achievement may not be eligible for funding. For more information, please contact the Financial Aid Office. 

Federal Title IV Programs

Pell Grant
Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Academic Competitiveness - not available after June 30, 2011
Federal Direct PLUS Loan
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Federal Work Study
Federal Perkins Loan

State of California Financial Aid

Board of Governors Fee Waiver
Cal Grant B
Cal Grant C
Chafee Grant (federally funded program administered by CSAC)
In addition to these programs, the EOPS and CARE Counseling Offices administers the following financial aid programs:
Extended Opportunity and Programs Services
Foster Youth Initiative
These programs are administered by the EOPS and CARE Offices. Please contact Steve Tamanaha, Associate Dean, Student Success & Support Services at  STamanaha@occ.cccd.edu .
Scholarship opportunities are administered by the Foundation Office, Administration Building.  Contact TJ Nguyen at  TJNguyen@occ.cccd.edu.


Federal – all Title IV aid



Title IV Aid

To determine if you're eligible, the U.S. Department of Education uses a standard formula to evaluate the information you report when you apply. The formula produces an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) number. Your electronic Student Aid Report (eSAR) contains this number and will tell the Financial Aid Office if you are eligible. The Financial Aid Office will begin the awarding, packaging, and verification process. You will receive an email notification to your OCC email address regarding the process of your file and awards.
Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW)
The Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW) waives your course enrollment fee ($46/unit beginning Fall 2013) if you are a California resident, and if one of the following conditions applies to you when you enroll:
You are qualified for federal financial aid during the same academic year for which you are seeking a BOGFW and have $1104 of need.
You or your parents are receiving TANF/Cal WORKS benefits, SSI or General Assistance at the time that you apply for the BOGFW A. You will be required to provide documentation to show participation in one of these programs.
You fall into the qualifying income bracket as determined by filling out a BOGFW B application. The Financial Aid Office will process your application and notify you if you qualify.
You qualify according to one of these groups:
Certification from the CA Department of Veterans Affairs that you are eligible for a dependent's fee waiver.
Certification from the National Guard Adjutant General that you are eligible for a dependent's fee waiver.
Certification from the Department of Veterans Affairs that you are eligible as a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or as a child of a recipient.
Certification form the CA Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board that you are eligible as a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack.
Certification from a public agency employer that you are eligible as a dependent of a deceased law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty.
Veterans' Dependents Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW):
Students requesting BOGFW must bring their approval letter to the Enrollment Center located on the first floor of Watson Hall. These students are not required to complete the BOGFW application if they do not wish to do so. 
Cal Grant B and C
The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) determines a student’s eligibility for the receipt of a Cal Grant. All notifications of awards are sent by CSAC directly to the student. The institution verifies the enrollment status and disburses the funds.
At OCC, the annual GPA verification is sent electronically for all enrolled OCC students. There is no need for the paper GPA verification form. These are sent on or before March 2 and September 2 annually.
Direct Loans Changes
The interest subsidy provided on Direct Subsidized Loans during the six month grace period has been temporarily eliminated. The change applies to new loans for which the first disbursement is made on or after July 1, 2012, and before July 1, 2014.


The Federal Methodology (FM) is the formula used by the federal government to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for a Federal Pell Grant, campus-based programs, and Federal Subsidized Direct Loan Programs. For non-need-based Federal Unsubsidized Direct Unsubsidized Loans, your EFC is not a factor; however, loan amounts cannot exceed the cost of attendance.
Depending on your financial circumstances student for those that are independent and student and parent for those that are dependent), the FM uses one of three models to determine your EFC: the regular, the simplified, and the automatically-assessed formulas. Which one is applied depends on your financial situation.
The regular formula for federal student aid
For a majority of students and/or parents, this is the formula that will be applied. It evaluates assets and income and determines how much your family can contribute to your cost of education. That amount is then used to determine the amount and type of aid — such as grants, self-help, or loans — that you are eligible to receive.
Basically, for the regular formula, what the family owns that has monetary value (checking accounts, savings accounts, etc) is combined with what you earn. Here's how it works:

Asset assessment

The assets you report on your FAFSA are added to determine your family's financial strength. (If it's less than zero, then it's calculated as zero). If you own a farm or business, your net worth is adjusted to help protect the farm assets. The FM then waives a portion of your net worth for education savings and asset protection and what's left over is your discretionary net worth — basically this is cash and what can be converted to cash. (It's possible that your discretionary net worth could be less than zero.) This amount is multiplied by an asset-conversion rate — the portion of your assets the federal government thinks you will be able to contribute to your cost of education. If the amount comes out as less than zero, then your asset contribution is set at zero.
Income assessment
Your asset contribution is added to your available income to establish your "adjusted available income." This total is multiplied by a rate that varies depending on your adjusted available income — the more you have, the higher the percentage. Finally, the FM arrives at your EFC for that year. If more than one child in a family attends college at least halftime, the EFC is divided equally among them. So, if two children are in college and the EFC is $5,000, then $2,500 is allotted to the EFC for each child.
The simplified formula for federal financial aid
Sometimes, the FM ignores your family’s assets altogether and uses your income only to calculate your EFC. Once again, as with the regular formula, the amount that you can contribute is used to determine what kind of student aid, such as federal work study or the FSEOG, you are eligible to receive.
You might qualify for this simple formula if you meet these criteria:
You or your parents filed or can file a 1040A or 1040EZ, or don't have to file any tax returns at all
Your parents' (if you're a dependent) adjusted gross income on their return (or on their W-2s if they aren't required to file) is $49,999 or below
What matters here is whether or not you (or your parents) are eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ — not if you actually filed them. A family may have filed a 1040, but if their combined income was less than $50,000 and they were eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ, the qualifications for the simplified formula have been met.
The automatically-assessed formula for federal student aid
For the last FM model, there isn't much to evaluate. If you or your family qualifies, the EFC assessed is automatically $0! If you're an undergraduate student, that makes you eligible for the maximum Federal Pell Grant. You may also be eligible for a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG).
The criteria are simple:
You or your parents filed or can file a 1040A or 1040EZ, or you and your parents are not required to file any tax returns at all; and
You or your parents' adjusted gross income on their return (or on their W-2s if they aren't required to file) is $20,000 or less.


At this time, the study abroad program is not eligible for Title IV aid, but is eligible for the Board of Governors Fee Waiver.


It is the policy of 六合彩全年图库 to avoid conflicts of interests between the College and lenders, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid or student loans; and, to establish an ethical framework for professional behavior and responsibilities at 六合彩全年图库.
All employees at 六合彩全年图库 will not accept any compensation from lenders, guarantee agencies or other affiliations related to student financial aid or student loans. This prohibition includes any compensation for consulting.
For purposes of this policy, “financial aid employees” includes all officers or employees of the College who participate in making any decision involving student financial aid or student loans. Also, for purposes of this policy, compensation given to a family member of a financial aid employee, or which is given to another individual because of that individual s relationship with a financial aid employee, is considered to have been made to the financial aid employee.
Financial aid employees are subject to the College’s conflict of interest policy, which requires that all decisions be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of students and the College. All employees are required to disclose the existence of any conflict of interest and are prohibited from participating in decisions which are affected by the conflict of interest.
The College’s conflict of interest policy does not prohibit employees from receiving benefits of nominal value. For purposes of this Student Financial Aid Code of Conduct, “nominal value” means compensation having a value of $20 or less. Any financial aid employee who, either directly or indirectly, receives compensation from a lender, guarantee agency or other affiliation related to student financial aid or student loans having a value of more than $20 must disclose all pertinent information relating to such compensation, in writing, to the Director of Financial Aid within 30 days of receipt of the compensation.
All College employees are prohibited from receiving remuneration in the form of travel, lodging, meals or honoraria from any lender, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid.
All College employees shall not serve on any advisory boards or committees of student lending organizations, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid.
All College employees will not have lenders, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid pay for any printing services and shall not allow the College’s name or logo to be printed on any lender materials.
No employee at the College in the financial aid office and or officers of the College shall commit the College to any revenue-sharing agreements and or conditioning the use of a lenders Title IV loans to receive private loans with any lenders, guarantee agency or other affiliations related to financial aid or students.
The Financial Aid Office will not allow employees of lenders, guarantee agencies or other affiliations related to financial aid to work or provide staffing to the Financial Aid Office.
The Financial Aid Office will not allow the use of lenders, guarantee agencies or other affiliations related to financial aid to be a call center for the Financial Aid Office.
Financial aid employees are prohibited from denying a student the right to choose any lenders from whom they wish to borrow and shall not impede the processing of any loan.


Students receiving financial aid must be aware of their responsibilities while receiving aid.
Responsibilities for continued financial aid eligibility are:
  • Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements.
  • Reporting accurate personal, financial and enrollment information on your financial aid documents.
  • The need to pursue a degree, certificate, or taking courses that transfer towards a baccalaureate degree at a four-year institution.
  • The requirement to repay 六合彩全年图库 for any overpayment made to you through financial aid funds.
  • The return of Title IV funds (federal financial aid) if withdrawn from all courses.
  • Payment of all registration fees within forty-eight hours of your enrollment.
  • The requirement to update personal information, especially your address with the Financial Aid Office.
  • Rights that you the student have:
  • To receive information regarding the financial aid award package and process.
  • To receive information concerning the cost of attendance, student budgets, and the award received.
  • To receive information regarding the probationary status and the appeal process.
  • All policies regarding refunds.
  • All policies and procedures regarding financial aid website.


According to the Federal Trade Commission, perpetrators of financial aid fraud often use the following lines to sell their scholarship services; students should avoid any scholarship service or website that says the following:
"This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back."
"You can't get this information anywhere else."
"I just need your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship."
"We'll do all the work."
"This scholarship will cost some money."
"You've been selected by a 'national foundation' to receive a scholarship" or "You're a finalist" in a contest you never entered.
If you believe you've been the victim of scholarship fraud, wish to file a complaint, or want more information, call 1 (877) FTC-HELP or see www.ftc.gov/scholarshipscams. On November 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act to enhance protection against fraud in student financial assistance by establishing stricter sentencing guidelines for criminal financial aid fraud.

Information Regarding Student Outcomes


Please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness; Sheri Sterner at SSterner@occ.cccd.edu. The office is located in the Administration Building, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.


This must be provided to student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. The NCAA provides this information directly to high schools. For information, contact the Athletic Department, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.​


Available information about job placement rates and the types of employment obtained by college graduates may be obtained from the OCC Job Placement Center, Watson Hall, 2nd Floor, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.


This does not pertain to OCC as the college is a community college and does not have graduate and professional programs.


As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public. For more information or to receive a copy of the report, contact the Athletic Department, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.
Information Regarding Health and Safety


Each year, 六合彩全年图库 prepares an "Annual Security Report" which is published in the Campus Public Safety brochure. The report is issued each October 1, contains detailed information on campus safety and security policies, procedures, and programs, including information on: emergency services, security telephone numbers, sexual assault policy, stalking laws, handling obscene phone calls, sexual harassment policy, dealing with workplace violence and threats, police agencies, health services, counseling services, safe transportation after dark, safety tips, and alcohol and drug policies and programs. The report also includes statistics concerning crimes on campus. If you would like to receive a complete copy, visit the Campus Public Safety Office, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.


The policies on immunizations for new students can be found in the Student Health Center, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.
Contact Information for Admissions (Enrollment Center)
The Admissions Office is located within the Enrollment Center, Watson Hall, 1st Floor, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-5005.
Director: Efren Galvan
Phone: 714-432-5072
Admissions Website
六合彩全年图库’s Equal Opportunity Statement
The Coast Community College District does not discriminate unlawfully in providing educational or employment opportunities to any person on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, military or veteran status, or genetic information.
  • OCC 504/ADA Office - Special Services Building: 714-432-5042;
  • OCC Title IX Office - Administration Building: 714-432-5930.
  • OCC Campus Safety - 714-432-5017