Faculty- Directed mainstage shows

Faculty- Directed Shows 2024-2025 with OPEN AUDITIONS:

Anyone is welcome to audition for one of these three faculty-directed OCC plays.

If you pass the audition you will be given an add code by the director/professor and will be required to enroll in the corresponding 3-unit class at OCC.

Do not enroll before you audition. 


             FALL 2024

Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, in a new tranlation by Marina Brodskaya 

Directed by Pete Uribe


Auditions will be held in the OCC Drama Lab Theatre

ABOUT THE SHOW/ HOW TO PREPARE TO AUDITION:QR code for Three Sisters audition information



Wednesday August 28 7:00pm - 10:30pm  SIGN UP ONLINE FOR A SLOT!

Thursday 8/29 7:00pm-8:30pm by special appointment with the director only. 


Thursday August 29 8:30-10:30pm and Friday August 30 7:00pm-10:30pm 

SIGN UP ONLINE FOR AN AUDITION TIME SLOTQR code to sign up for audition


Rehearsals will begin Sept. 3 and will be Mon/Wed/Th/Fri 7-11pm, Tuesdays are TBA.

Performances will be Nov. 8-10 and Nov. 15-17

If you are given a role in the play you will be required to enroll in a 3-unit OCC class.



        Spring 2025

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield

All 37 of Shakespeare's plays, performed in 90 minutes, by a cast of very busy actors. Hilarious, physical, witty fast-paced (duh) and fun for all lovers (and haters) of Shakespeare!

Auditions will be February 5 through 7, 2025.  More details will be provided closer to the audition date here, in social media and on the OCC Spring class schedule online.

If you pass the audition you will be required to enroll in a 3-unit OCC class. Do not enroll before passing the auditions.

Rehearsals will be M/W/Th/Fri 7-11pm.

Performances are March 14-16 and 21-23.



Assassins by Stephen Sondheim

Open auditions in March 2025. Performances May 9-11 and May 16-18. More information to come

 If you pass the auditions you will be required to enroll in a 3-unit OCC class. Do not enroll before passing the auditions.

Rehearsals will be M/W/Th/F 7-11pm.   

More specific information will be posted on social media closer to auditions.


OCC REPERTORY (student-directed) productions:

To be part of any REP production you must first be enrolled in the class OCC Theatre Repertory (THEA A131, A132, A133 or A134), or enrolled in Directing (THEA A275 or A285).