Want to Earn College Credits for FREE while in Adult School?聽

Students have the opportunity to achieve their career or educational goals while also working towards earning their GED/High School Dimploma. Enroll and register in 11 tuition-free units each semester with the Adult Education Dual Enrollment Program.



  • Must be working towards a GED or High School dimploma through one of our Adult School Parnters. (Huntington Beach Adult School or Garden Grove Lincoln Education Center)
  • Must be 18 years or older.
  • No residency requirement.
  • Meet with OCC Adult Education Counselor to create a Student Educational Plan (SEP).


  1. Complete an 六合彩全年图库 CCC Application.
    • Make sure to state you are currently enrolled in a partnering Adult School.
  2. Complete & submit the Adult Education Dual Enrollment form.
    • Link to the form is emailed to the students email by the OCC Counselor. 
  3. Completed form is sent over to the Adult School Counselor for confirmation of enrollment and signature.
  4. OCC Counselor receives the completed form and contacts the student to schedule a counseling appointment.
  5. OCC Counsleor creates a Student Educational Plan (SEP).
  6. Student will get a confirmation email to register under the Dual Enrollment program.
  7. Student will register for classes.


  • Complete Adult Education Dual Enrollment form every semester to qualify.
  • Meet with our Adult Education Counselor every semester.
  • Must be actively enrolled in the GED or High School Program at one of our partnering Adult Schools. (Huntington Beach Adult School or Garden Grove Lincoln Education Center)

Adult School Partners

Huntington Beach Adult School (HBAS) 

HBAS offers high school diploma classes at various locations in Orange County and a GED testing site in the Huntington Beach Unified School District. For more information, please visit their website:  or call their office at (714) 842-4227. 


Garden Grove Adult Education (GGAE) 

GGAE offers high school diploma classes at Lincoln Education Center in Garden Grove. For more information, visit their website:  or call their office at (714) 663-6497.



Adult Education Office
Phone: (714) 432-6897

Email: adulteducation@occ.cccd.edu

Instagram and Facebook Logos@occadulteducation